Dr Sikka has a proven history of securing research funding, see below for a list of awards and grants she has secured:

British Academy (£10000) co-I. ‘Using creative arts to think beyond disciplinary boundaries: photographic exhibitions of sexual violence, law and justice,’ under review.

Visiting professorship, QR Enhancing Research Culture People Funds (£2500), 2023.

Newcastle University QR Policy Funds (£14500). ‘Sexual Ethics in HE: Exploring the Future of University Policy,’ 2023.

QR EDI Funds (£1500). ‘Sexual Ethics and Lived Experience: Empowering Sexual Futures Art and Sound Exhibit,’ 2023.

QR Global Fund (£500). ‘EDI Event: Intersectionality and Students Experience’, 2023.

Social Science Institute QR NISA Funds (£1600) to support podcasts related to Brill edited collection, 2022.

PI, Violence Abuse and Mental Health Network and UKRI Grant (£15000). ‘Sexual Violence and Lived Experience: New Futures,’ 2022.

Newcastle University Faculty Research Training Programme Fellowship (FTRP) 2022-2024.

Newcastle University Global Fund (£593.59). ‘Disruption and Belonging: HASS PGR Experience,’ 2022.

Newcastle University QRSPF Research to Policy Fund (£8401). ‘A qualitative, experiential, and policy-driven study of Covid-19 through the lens of gender, race, and fatness,’ 2022.

Co-I, NERC (£98, 326). ‘Making Environmental Science Equal, Diverse, and Inclusive,’ 2021-2022.

Newcastle University QR SPF Research to Policy Fund (£3,594.99). ‘Covid-19 and Race: News Coverage of Structural Racism and the Role of John Henryism and Racial Weathering in BAME Covid-19 Deaths,’ 2021.

Newcastle University Policy Fellowship 2019-2020

Faculty Bid Preparation (£800): ‘Anti-Carceral Feminism and Consent in the Age of #MeToo,’ 2020.

Faculty Research Fund (£1300): ‘Anti-Carceral Feminism and Consent in the Age of #MeToo,’ 2019.

Winner of the International Award for Excellence in the area of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses for my article Geoengineering in a World Risk Society. Awarded by Common Ground Publishing, 2012.

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship “Awarded”; 2 years at Simon Fraser University, 2010-2012.

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship “Awarded but not funded,” 2009.

$20,000 Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship, 2007/2008.

$1000 travel grant, York University

$15,000 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Award (Declined award, accepted the SSHRC scholarship), 2007/2008.

$4000 entrance scholarship, York University.

$4000 entrance scholarship, Carleton University.